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Ad Spend Calculator

Ad Spend Calculator

Estimated Monthly Budget

How much do you plan on spending per month on digital ads? Even if you don't spend money on ads yet, see what you could achieve if you did. Usually, 10% of your total marketing budget is a good place to start.


Read more: Social media pricing sheet 

0 0
$ 100
$ 50,000

Expected Cost-Per-Click (CPC)

How much do you plan on spending per month on digital ads? Even if you don't spend money on ads yet, see what you could achieve if you did. Usually, 10% of your total marketing budget is a good place to start.

0 0
$ 1 per click
$ 50 per click

Website Visitor Conversion Rate

On average, the conversion rate from a visitor on your website into a lead is about 3%.


Read more: SEO Cost Calculator

0 0

Average Sale Price 

On average, how valuable is a single customer? This number may change over time. If you are trying to get an idea for different scenarios, test different options. You can put in an amount you think reasonable for a new client, or the lifetime value of a customer.

0 0
$ 0
$ 100,000

Lead to Customer Rate

The big question: how many of your leads turn into paying customers? This is where your communication with your sales team is key. Your main goal should be to increase the lead to customer rate to visibly improve the ROI of your ads.

0 0

Number of Clicks


Number of Leads


Cost per Lead


Expected Revenue


Expected Profit


Return on Ad Spend


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