When it comes to running your own business, there are so many ways you can get it wrong, and only a few to get it right. Small biz owners are definitely having a hard time keeping up with their much bigger competitors. Sure, a little competition can be motivating, but what to do when your competition is huge? Certainly not give up on it.
Although big companies seem much more powerful, not everything is black and white. It all depends on how you look at it.
Small biz owners do stand a chance, they just need to view things from the right angle and employ the right digital marketing tactics. In this article we’ve prepared for you small business marketing tactics to get your business up and running:
1. Get personal with your customers
Big companies can’t always connect on a personal level with their customer precisely because they’re big and can’t keep up with everyone. They tend to look at things from a broader perspective, and not always from the customers’. Large corporations don’t have much to lose if one of their customers isn’t entirely satisfied compared to the millions who are. Small businesses, on the other hand, have a lot at stake with each and every customer. Use this to your advantage and talk to your customers. See that every one of them is satisfied with your services or products. Answer their emails and comments on in a timely fashion. Show that you care. Good personal service is your ticket to staying ahead.
2. Turn your size into your advantage
Instead of seeing your size as your disadvantage, turn it into your advantage. Because of their size, small businesses are much more flexible than their bigger counterparts. Large corporations are often constrained by their size and surrounded by bureaucracy and red tape. Small biz owners, however, can follow the market trends and adapt super quickly. Just listen to the market needs. Listen to your customers’ needs and tailor your offerings and products/services around their needs. This way you’ll exceed their expectations, and they’ll want more.
3. Harness the power of social media
In today's digital world, social media is your best ally. If you want your business to be successful, it’s a prerogative to be active on social media. Monitor the platforms where your customers talk about you: Twitter, Yelp, Facebook, etc. Answer all your customers’ comments in a timely fashion and in great detail. Don't forget to respond to negative posts and stay professional. The same goes for private messages. Make use of the visuals – videos and photos get more comments, likes, and shares. Run promotions like ‘buy one get one free. Organize contests for the best photo or for the best comment to spur engagement. And most importantly – be consistent. Social media is a great marketing tool if you know how to use it. If you’re not sure how to do it or simply don’t have the time, hire someone who can. This will definitely pay off in the long run, because earning your customers’ trust and loyalty is priceless.