Social Media Revenue Calculator
Social Media Revenue Calculator
Average Number of Prospects You'll Reach Via Social Media Per Day
Your daily outreach on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook
How Many Days Per Year Do You Work?
For most of us, that number is 258.
% of Social Media Prospects Who Agree to Speak or Meet After You Connect?
% of Social Media Prospects Interested in Next Step/Proposal After First Meeting?
% of Prospects That Become Clients After Receiving a Proposal/Quote?
What Is Your Customer Lifetime Value?
Test different options: new customer value or lifetime value or the commission you'll make when closing a new deal or annual revenue
Number of Prospects Reached via Social Media per Year
Estimated Number of Social Media Prospects To Whom You'll Speak Per Year
Estimated Number of Social Media Prospects to Whom You'll Speak Per Week
Average Number of Calls/Meetings to Social Media Prospects You'll Make Per Day
Number of Social Media Leads Per Day
New Clients From Social Media Per Month
Additional Monthly Revenue:
Free Assessment
We only need 15 mins to show you how our social media and digital marketing strategy will increase your brand awareness, align your marketing and sales and create a predictable and repeatable stream of new leads, customers and revenue.